Funeral Services in Venice
Venice Funeral Services
Making funeral arrangements in Venice isn’t difficult if you know some basic steps to plan a traditional funeral service. The most important things to know are the main parts of a funeral and how to choose a local funeral service near you. You should also know what to expect for funeral expenses.
Main Parts of a Funeral
There are three main parts to a traditional funeral in Venice. Other services may be added, or any one of these services may be taken off when you arrange funeral services. A funeral provider can help you with setting up a plan for the services that flow easily along your timeline. Work with your funeral company to set up visitation, a ceremony, and a burial service if you are looking for a traditional funeral in Venice.
The visitation period is a time before the funeral ceremony where visitors meet with the immediate family members of the deceased. They send their condolences and may share a story or memory that they have of the deceased. Flowers, mementos, and donations may be sent at this time, too
Visitation can last for just a few hours or can be several days. This service takes place at the funeral home in Venice. Following visitation, the family may choose to have a private viewing. This would take place prior to the funeral service.
Funeral Ceremony
Following the visitation and viewing services, the funeral ceremony will take place at the funeral home in Venice. A religious ceremony can take place at a church or other place of worship, too. The ceremony is a time where people listen to music, a bible reading, and pray over the deceased. At this time the clergy member may choose to share stories of the deceased and give a eulogy.
Following the funeral ceremony, the funeral provider will prepare the casket for the burial service in Venice. This process includes tucking in any lining that was laying out over the casket and closing the casket lid.
Burial Service
Venice burial service takes place at the cemetery gravesite. This service is also called a committal service. It can be a simple service or prayers may be said and bible verse readings may be done one more time. Then, the body will be committed to its final resting place.
After the burial service is complete and the visitors have left, the funeral local funeral service provider will take care of lowering the casket, removing equipment, and properly covering the casket.
Affordable Funeral Services
You may be wondering, how much is a funeral? The truth is that there is no one set funeral cost. This is because service types and service lengths can vary from funeral to funeral. Funeral pricing usually takes into account the following services:
- Visitation service
- Funeral ceremony
- Burial service
- Embalming and preparation
- Casket
Funeral pricing that is offered by funeral companies may or may not include state permits, death certificate fees, limousine, or the funeral coach. In general, you can expect to spend between $10,000 and $15,000 for a Venice funeral.
Funeral service providers offer packages that group together the most commonly chosen funeral services to help you with planning a cheap funeral. A low-cost funeral can be done at a funeral home in Venice. Look for packages similar to these:
- Visitation, funeral service, burial service
- Visitation and burial service
- Funeral service and burial service
- Graveside burial service with a simple casket
- Graveside burial service with a metal casket
There are a few things that can help to lower the overall cost of the funeral. You can pre-plan your funeral, look at the casket cost and try to get it down and choose a local funeral service provider in Venice to lower funeral expenses.
Pre-planning Your Funeral
First, if you pre-plan your funeral then you are able to get a lower price than if you waited until the time of your passing for arrangements to be made for your Venice funeral. The way you are able to get a lower price is that you are able to secure pricing at the time of pre-planning your funeral without the cost of inflation. There are different ways to pay for these services, so work with your funeral service provider to see which option is best for you. They may suggest a prepaid funeral or funeral insurance depending on your specific situation.
Casket Costs
Second, you want to work with a Venice funeral home in choosing a casket. People do not realize how much the casket cost increases the total funeral cost. The Venice funeral home can show you different options for a low-cost casket. In most cases, a casket can cost as low as $1,000 or well over $4,000 depending on what you choose.
Caskets range in price so much because they come in different designs. The main part of the casket design that changes the price is the material that it is made of. Caskets can be made from particleboard, hardwood, and stainless steel. The interior of each casket will also make a difference in the overall cost of the casket. Depending on which material you choose, you may also be able to choose a specific color, too. Color choices include brown, black, white, and more.
Local Funeral Service Provider
Third, you want to choose a local funeral service near Venice. When you choose a local funeral home you will lower transportation costs and work with a provider that understands the necessary permits needed.
Why Choose Beach Cities Cremation Society
For a Venice funeral service, you should choose Beach Cities Cremation Society. They have years of experience with conducting Venice funerals and they offer cremation services, too. Their professional staff will compassionately walk you through the steps of planning funeral services that meet your needs.
All of their funerals and cremations are completed under the direction of a licensed funeral director. They have a variety of packages to choose from that will help you to have an affordable funeral service near you.