Funeral Service in San Pedro
San Pedro Funeral Service
You should contact a local funeral home in San Pedro for funeral services. They are able to arrange funeral services and offer affordable options. You are sure to get the best service and funeral pricing options when you choose a local funeral home in San Pedro.
How to Arrange Funeral Services
It can seem like a daunting task when you are making funeral arrangements because there are a large number of decisions that you have to make and they usually have to be done in a time of sorrow. A representative at your local funeral company can suggest funeral services that will meet your individual needs. The following services may be recommended.
Public Visitation
San Pedro funerals typically have a time for public visitation. Visitation services can be set up to last several days or just a couple of hours. Visitation services are set up at the San Pedro funeral home. Visitors are able to meet with close family members of the deceased and offer their condolences for their loss.
Visitors may bring food, small gifts, cards, or flowers. A donation may be made in the name of the deceased to a charity that was important to them, too. Visitors commonly stay at the visitation for a short time and return for the funeral service. People who are unable to be present for the funeral ceremony may, however, choose to stay for a longer period of time.
Private Viewing
Close family members of the deceased may have private viewing times set up so that they may pay their respects without receiving visitors at the same time. Funeral homes will usually offer private viewing times before public visitation begins or after it ends for the day.
Funeral Service
After the set public visitation and private viewing sessions have come to an end the funeral ceremony may begin. Funeral ceremonies typically include music and a speaker who talks about the life of the deceased. They may also pray, read bible verses, and give a eulogy.
After the San Pedro funeral services, a funeral director will prepare the casket for transportation to the burial site.
Burial Service
A San Pedro burial service and commitment service will take place after the funeral ceremony. The commitment service is where the deceased’s body will be committed to its final resting place. This service is short in length and can include praying and reading from the bible.
The San Pedro funeral provider will lower the casket, remove equipment, and cover the casket following the commitment ceremony. This burial service is usually done after all visitors and onlookers have left.
A reception may be held for the visitors who attended the funeral following the funeral in San Pedro. The reception might have small refreshments or a full meal. It can include all visitors who attended the funeral services or just the close family members. Some families choose to display pictures or have a slide show, and other families choose not to have a reception at all.
Headstone Unveiling
There is a wait for the completion of the headstone. When completed, some people choose to have an unveiling service. This isn’t a traditional funeral service element, but it is always an option. This is usually a small, intimate gathering of family members who gather at the gravesite once the headstone has been put in place.
Funeral companies offer packages to help with the planning process because there are so many options to choose from. Your funeral service provider offers these packages so that you can plan an affordable funeral service at the local funeral home.
How to Plan an Affordable Funeral Service
The funeral home in San Pedro can show you a breakdown of what to expect for funeral expenses. The service provider can show you ways to plan a cheap funeral or assist you with pre-planning your funeral.
How Much is a Funeral
Funeral costs vary depending on which state you are in. Standard funerals in San Pedro begin at $10,000, but they can go well over $15,000 depending on the funeral services that you choose to have.
If you limit the funeral services that you have then you will be able to lower your total funeral cost. Purchasing funeral insurance or pre-planning your funeral will lower the cost of a future funeral. Additionally, carefully selecting a casket will make a big difference in the bottom line of the funeral expenses.
How Much Does a Casket Cost
Caskets can be plain, simple, traditional, exquisite, or over the top. Whichever casket you choose will factor into how much you will pay for the total funeral cost. You can find caskets that are priced as low as $1,000. They can be priced in excess of $50,000 for a specialty casket. In general, you should expect to pay $1,000 to $4,000 for a traditional casket.
Casket prices are so different because there is a wide variety of materials that can be used to make the casket. Particleboard makes up basic, simple caskets. Bronze or copper may be used for the fanciest caskets. Most people choose a steel or wood casket.
You can choose from several different colors including brown, black, white, navy, pink, and more. The casket interior can be cotton, linen, poly-blend, or satin. Special adornments can be added if you choose.
You should choose a local funeral service company that can help with all of your planning needs from beginning to end.
Why Select Beach Cities Cremation Society for Funeral Service
You should contact Beach Cities Cremation Society if you are looking for a local funeral service near San Pedro. They provide low-cost funeral options and they provide cremation services, too.
Beach Cities Cremation Society is a leading funeral provider. They have been serving the San Pedro community for years. Their local funeral service near you takes place under the direction of a licensed funeral director. If you need help planning a San Pedro funeral simply work with one of their staff members; they are are caring, compassionate, and professional.